What is an Integrated Wellness Session?
Most massage therapy offices confront you with an endless list of add-ons, causing confusion and boxing you into a specific type of massage. To simplify our services, we offer a single option: an Integrated Wellness Session. All our therapists are licensed and certified in many types of massage, so why make you choose what you think will work best, when you can trust in our expertise to hand-craft a session that will address all your goals. For example, if you came in with shoulder pain and a headache, would you know what you need? Our integrated sessions give us the freedom to address both pain-points with the most effective technique. This takes the guess-work out of the equation for you and gives the best bang for your hard-earned bucks.
So what are the modalities that SDW therapists are certified in that might be used in an Integrated Wellness Session?
Each of our therapists are life-long learners who are sincerely dedicated to getting to the source of your pain points. To that end, we continue to learn and evolve to include the most effective techniques. Our list includes: Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy, Physiokinetix, Neurokinetic Therapy, Isolated Activated Stretching, Swedish, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Neuromuscular Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Reiki, Kinesiotaping, and more. If there’s something specific you’d like to try, don’t hesitate to ask. For new prospective clients, we offer a free 15-minute consultation to make sure we’re the best fit for what one might be looking for.
What areas can an Integrated Wellness Session help with?
Clients who come to see us vary greatly. Because of our proximity in Sandy Springs to the Center For Movement Challenges (CFMC), we serve many clients with Parkinson’s Disease. To better participate in scheduled group activities at the center, CFMC members agree that regular sessions with us keep them limber and pain-free. We’ve seen clients with scoliosis, traumatic brain injuries, sprains, strains, low-back pain, neck pain, frozen shoulder, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, tenosynovitis, nerve pain and so much more. We work with athletes, hyper-mobility disorders, pregnant women, youth sports, pickle ball, seniors, office workers, weekend warriors…well, the list is exhaustive. But, if you’ve got an issue, then we’ve probably got a technique we can use to help.