Clinical Massage Services – Integrated Wellness
At most massage therapy offices, you’re often confronted with an endless list of modalities and add-ons, causing confusion and boxing you into a specific type of massage. To simplify our clinical massage services, we offer a single option: an integrated wellness session. While each of our therapists are licensed and certified in many types of massage, this combined offering allows us to evaluate and discuss each client’s needs prior to and during the session, and then utilize the right skills needed to achieve that goal. For example, if you came in with knee pain and a headache, you may not know the most effective type of treatment to address your pain. Our integrated sessions give our therapists the freedom and fluidity to address all your literal pain-points with the most effective technique, taking the guess-work out of the equation and giving you the highest value for your dollar.
No two Integrated Wellness sessions are alike. At Star Dynamic Wellness, we assess and treat you with your current needs in mind. This means, we may use active client involvement, asking you to press against resistance or make small guided movements to tone weak muscles and stretch tight muscles, creating new muscle memory that will help promote better alignment, posture, and thus longer-lasting pain relief. Or it may also be a more typical Swedish-based reflective, relaxing or energetic session if stress has got you down.
Integrated Wellness Session – What to expect when you come in:
Detailed health history and movement assessment
Manual/Massage therapy treatment on therapy table
For pain-management sessions, loose-fitting shorts or spandex (and sports bra/tank top for women) are preferred
Follow up assessment and postural exercises (if applicable)
For more information on the services that each therapist specialize in, visit our about page.